Quirky Games


8 Weeks, Team: 7 Students, Unity3D

4715 Jetsam is a third-person action adventure game created by a team of 7 students over the span of two months. Throughout the adventure, the player shoots and battles various enemies within a noxious environment with an over-the-shoulder-camera. Disruption of the planet’s surface opens up platforming challenges for the player to complete. The player must successfully return the loot back to the ship they landed in to complete the play through.

Initially I was going to be an animator on this project, but after the project leads delegated areas of focus to the team I was given modeling tasks instead. I wasn't too confident in my skills as an animator quite yet so this was okay with me. I modeled an early version of the player character, but the creative director felt it was best that they should finish it to control the outcome of the vision they had in mind. Afterwards I was put on Environmental task which was challenging but satisfying to learn low to high poly pipelines.

Dr. Nauzik aims to be a rich space pirate with his crew of one, Unit 4715, the latest version of a line of AI-controlled robots built specifically for his expeditions. As his last attempt at attaining an artifact that, according to multiple mythos on the planet Ucipiforea, had an untapped energy source capable of powering a planet for generations upon generations, Dr. Nauzik deploys Unit 4715 on the last expedition to retrieve it. As it searches the planet, Unit 4715 stumbles upon multiple, aged Units, the failures of Dr. Nauzik, torn by the harsh environments of Ucipioforea, and gathers parts and resources that help it gain insight on the location of this artifact. Upon discovery of a cave, Unit 4715 finds more upgrades to its exoskeletal casing, which allowed it to find a previously invisible glimmer amid the darkness of the cave. . Unit 4715, as programmed, follows the glow and discovers the legendary artifact stuck inside a seemingly sacred stalactite, and after a couple shots taken at it, the pillar falls to the ground, releasing the artifact. However, despite Unit 4715 managing to attain the artifact, the planet has begun to crumble, since that artifact was the one thing keeping Ucipiforea stable and in order. Gravity seizes to behave as it should, the weather has gone haywire,and the older versions of Unit 4715 that never made it become reanimated and corrupted, as they attack Dr. Nauzik’s last hope. Unit 4715 defends itself from the undead siblings-turned-enemies and escapes to Dr. Nauzik’s ship with the newfound treasure. 

What I Contributed
Worked collaboratively with Leads to model large map/platforming pieces.
Model and Texture Environmental Assets i.e. Crystals, Stalagmites, Rocks, and Levitating Platforms.
Created High Resolution normal maps and bake onto low-poly assets.

Environment Gallery

Gameplay Video

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